Monday, September 28, 2009
Comment Candy Part Two
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Suz!!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
This is Where I Apologize for Being Such a Bad Blog Friend

Yes I am sincerely sorry for slacking this week!
It's been insane so posting, reading and commenting has been minimal....
But I have a couple things to make up for it!
A. For the past while my camera hasn't been plugging into my computer so I haven't been able to show ya'll any new pictures, BUT now that I have Pokey (my laptop, thanks for the name Em) I'll be able to!! So stay tuned for a sneak peek of my homecoming dress and some other things I've gotten requests for! (Jen and Christie I promise I'll post pictures of the aprons soon!)
B. It's time to give away some Comment Candy!!!!
(Thanks for the name Cherie!)
For those of you who commented on my last post, keep your eyes out for your name and your candy! (Sorry I can't really give candy, I'm poor!)
So let's get started!
There are so many great bloggers out there who write brilliant posts!
So today I thought I'd spotlight some of these posts!
Going in order, we'll start with Camille!
Oh man her entire site is so amazing I'm gonna have a hard time just picking one!!!
But I think I'm gonna have to go with the post that always pops in my mind whenever I think of her:
My Best Friend's Uterus Has a Split Personality
Oh yes it is a glorious post!!!
I would tell you more about it, but she puts it way better than I do, so just read it and some of her other posts and while you're at it leave her some comment love!
I'm afraid that that's all I have time for today, I've got chores and homework to do before I go to a party, but there will definately be more Candy tomorrow!
Love Love Love you all!!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I'm in a Good Mood!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Seven in Six
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Grandpa Reg

Love you!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
High School Horrors #3
Friday, September 11, 2009
All Lit Up
I’d been waiting for this moment ever since I set foot on French soil. It was my last Sunday here in this beautiful city and unlike my hometown of Mesa, the streets of Paris teemed with life. People were everywhere, living it up and enjoying the beautiful weather. The air surrounding me was electric, like someone had plugged the city into a wall and pressed the ON button. Though it was almost eleven o’clock, I felt safe walking alongside my 6’3’’ brother-in-law Andy. We quickly made our way up to Sacreqour where, according to Bekah, we’d have the best view in the city. As the minutes slugged by and turned into seconds, my anticipation reached a breaking point, no longer bubbling in my stomach, but boiling over like hot water left on the burner too long. Then, finally, it came. The Eiffel Tower sparkled and shone like nothing I’d ever seen before. The beauty of it made tears come to my eyes. I could’ve been hundreds of miles away and still have been able to see the brilliant glittering. “Okay,” I thought to myself. “I can go home now.”

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We laugh, we fight.
We love, we hate.
We glare, we grin.
We are Alyssa and Natalie.
I sure do love ya girl.
Happy 17th!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
He told us that education is the only way that we will succeed in life.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Cousins By Nature, Best Friends By Choice

One person is the hero, the others the sidekick?
With us, that is so not the case!
It varies, keeps us on our toes!

Mary forces me to be social, especially on those days when I want to become a hermit and never come out.

Friday, September 4, 2009
Pictures and a Letter

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009