Tuesday, September 8, 2009


As most of you know, President Obama spoke to all of the school aged kids in America today.
The idea sent the whole country into a ruckus.
"He's got a hidden agenda!"
"He's gonna try and turn our kids into Democrats!"
"His soul is so unclean that pure water will melt him!"
Bull Crap.
I am not a fan of Obama, however, he is my president and I will show him the respect he deserves.
Okay, back to the speech.
Want to know what his real purpose was?
His "hidden agenda?"
It was to motivate.
To get the future of America motivated about education.
That's it.
He spoke to us about setting goals and not making excuses.
He told us that education is the only way that we will succeed in life.
I already knew all that stuff!
So, did I need to listen?
But was it nice to know that my president cares about my future and the future of my peers???


CB said...

Good Job Girl!

I too liked the final draft of the speech he gave. It was very motivating. I know you didn't need it but there are alot of kids out there on very wrong paths.

So good job overall to the President. I am very glad the original video and the workbook thing was nixed. I am also glad the speech was out on the web for a preview.

Geevz said...

THANK YOU!! I had kids who's parents didn't want them to watch it. Seriously? You want your kids ignorant and uninformed? Who cares if you disagree with what he says? You should at least know what your president is saying. Then you can at least be informed in your hate.

✩Molly✩ said...

What a breath of FRESH AIR! Thank you for shedding a good light on people whom can choose to disagree with some of his policies, while still giving respect, to an honored office in our government :)

Proud to be your friend.

Lindsey said...

I enjoyed what I heard of it. And yes, I thought it was great that he was motivating the children of America.

● C E L I N A ● said...

You may be one of three teenagers out there who Respect the Office of the President.

We haven't done a great job teaching that.

My sister's school district banned the broadcast. My mom promptly pulled her out.

Chloe said...

You are so right!!
The Spanish PM doesn't do this kind of things... boo.

Kristin said...

Ok, while I do think it was a good idea to motivate kids to stay in school and get a good education, I think it's a little weird that he gave the speech to elementary school kids too. I mean, seriously, did the 1st graders even understand him?
Oh and you want to hear something scary? A friend of mine who has a couple of kids in elementary school said that their school is "pledging" to Obama this week in support of his speech! WHAT THE HECK?! I'm not pledging anything to ANY president. I will pledge to my country, but not to "KING" Obama...
sorry, I know your post was all supportive, but he just freaks me out. :)

Anonymous said...


People are so scared of anyone with whom they disagree.

I think kids of all ages can benefit from hearing the president speak to them. They might not necessarily understand every word or concept out of his mouth, but kids know when they're being talked to. They understand when adults take interest in them.

I wished that the presidents during my school years---Bush and (gasp!) Clinton---had done the same for me. Yes, I listened to the State of the Union addresses when they were aired, but a personal, school-centered message from the president would have been cooler.

Obviously, I'm getting way overboard with this subject. I need to stop. : )