Sunday, March 15, 2009

Quirky Analysis Part 3

From My3Daws:
What do you do when your dad won't let you do something you want to do? Seriously, don't leave out any details! :) Kicking and screaming would be quite funny.
A: Honestly, I had to think long and hard about this one.
It took me forever to remember the last time my dad
(affectionately known as Harold or JerBear)
wouldn't let me do something.
Not that I always get my way.
Because I don't.
But A.
I don't usually ask for unreasonable things.
And B.
I almost always ask my mom.
The last time I can remember getting upset with my dad because of a rule was eighth grade.
He had just instated the
"No hanging out with boys rule"
This was a HUGE bummer because that's what ALL of my friends were doing!
They'd all be somewhere and I couldn't go becuase there were boys!!
Now I wish I had a better story to tell you, but to be honest.
I just cried.
There is no kicking and screaming when it comes to JerBear.
That's the way its always been, you don't throw fits in front of him.
I don't think any of us have,
I doubt anyone ever will.
(But that didn't stop me from calling him names under my breath once I was out of hearing distance.)
These next few questions are all from Molly:
What is your favorite color?
Answer: YeLlOw
What is your favorite animal?
A: I can't stand housepet animals.
So probably monkeys.
What is your favorite dessert?
But I especially adore Pazookies!!!!!!!!
If you could do one wildly rebellious thing, what would it be?
Answer: And not get caught?
Burn down an abandoned building.
From Ann Marie:
What was one of your happiest moments in the last 2 months??
A: Definently the birth of Sweet Madeleine!
From RatalieNose:
What's your biggest fear?
Well, my one and only fear is this:
Getting close to them,
Getting hurt by them,
And living without them.
Stupid, Immature and Juvenile.
But it's the truth.
So you tell me,
What's your greatest fear?
The person with the best fear will get......
Well, you'll see.


CB said...

First did you really write this post at 4:30 in the morning???

I had to laugh that you would burn down an abandoned building - Everyone's a pyro - ha ha!!

CB said...



Camille said...

My greatest fear right now is DRY SOCKETS. Maybe someday I'll get over the fear of them (like, in two months when I'm healed from this stupid surgery). After that, my biggest fear is that I will die young and my husband will get remarried. I really don't want him to.

Ann Marie said...

Cute new background! Very hip!
You always have such adorable pictures with your posts!

I remember being nervous about boys too... I think most girls are.

My biggest fears.. Snakes and losing anyone close to me...

Ann Marie said...

I want to know when your B-day is.. If you go to my profile on my blog.. there is my e-mail...
Would you e-mail me with your b-day and address? ThanksBYE!

Laynee said...

that's a hard one, I'll have to think about it then come back...

Nancy Face said...

I'm scared to death of flying! I've done it, but i HATE it! :0

Kim said...

Oh Nat your papa means well! haha You always will love those boys :) Love ya little sis.

sassy101 said...

Hmmm my biggest fear would haev to be GERMS!!! Yuck!!