Saturday, May 23, 2009

You Know You're At A Mormon Party When.....

1. The first game you play is missionary tag.
2. The worst thing in the cooler is Mt. Dew.

3. The dinner is a potluck

4. Everyone leaves by ten thirty and goes straight home.

Ya gotta love it!!!!!!!


Geevz said...

Ha! So mu little sister in law wanted me to come to her 16th b-day to be a non embarassing chaperone. And to be the person that makes everyone come in to open presents because you want to but you don't want your mom to say it. Well when things started hitting the edges of lame territory, I got them started on what I learned as "f*g" tag (I wonder which mother got the kids to change it). They played for TWO hours straight. I think it is a Mesa mormon thing, because in Glendale it was totally new.

CB said...

Ha Ha So true! And that is how you stay out of trouble!!!

P.s. My word verification is NUTFU - ha ha just thought it was funny!

Nancy Face said...

Now THAT'S my kind of partay! :D