Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm a Terrible Liar: Part Three

Here comes the third story for our game.
(Scroll down to read the previous two and to figure out what the heck is going on.)

It was the first day of seventh grade.
I was SOOOO excited!
Jr. High here I come!!!!
Elementary was history!!!
I was looking forward to not having to deal with the same teacher ALL day!
And of course
And that is where our story begins.
There was this one boy:
We'll call him Samley.
He was SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!
Every seventh grade girl had her eye on him....
But guess who had four classes with him???
So there we were, sitting side by side in
Ms. Quinn's Seventh Grade Advanced Math Class.
I was in heaven!
He was just SOO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!
But then, disaster struck.
I got that feeling.
Like sick-to-my-stomace-I'm-going-to-die feeling.
Blasted school hamburger that wasn't cooked all the way through!!!!!
It was too late to leave class.....
I threw up.
He didn't speak to me for the rest of the year.


AmyK said...

Oh.. my... gosh.
That sucks.

A lot.
But HILARIOUS. I love junior high nightmare stories.

Shayla said...

Hi, I'm Shayla! We frequent many of the same blogs {I've seen your comments on Lauren's blogs, and the rockstar diaries} so I thought we may as well be bloggy friends :)
You are darling & I love your cute blog! I also loved this feature on c jane last week... how fun you're doing it too! I just wanted to say hi so I'm not a lurker ♥

Chloe said...

Hahahaha! Very funny!
I think this story is a lie... Hope I'm right! :)

Sprite's Keeper said...

Hm, the first two are in Paris and only one is a lie, but there's one more story, correct? I must stay tuned!

HeatherPride said...

Oh I hope for your sake this one is the lie.

Nancy Face said...

Lie! Lie! Lie!

But then again, I haven't read #4 yet! :)

CB said...

Natalie that is SO cool because I always tell people you are my Blog daughter!! Great minds think alike!!!