Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm a Terrible Liar: Part Four

Here's the fourth and final installment of
Three Truths and a Lie
(Scroll down for the previous stories.)
Recently, Rusty got his wisdom teeth out.
So I opted to take him some Ice Cream and Mt. Dew.
I rode my bike to his house and I was wearing white shorts.
I kept feeling something wet,
So I look down.
So I get to Rusty's house and we sit on his couch to have a chat.
I tried to sit on my legs, just in case.
So awhile later I get home and I take off my white shorts
THE ENTIRE BACK SIDE IS RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday rolls around and I see Rusty in first hour.
Our conversation went something like this:

Me: Rusty I'm going to ask you a question and I need you to promise that you won't ask me why I'm asking you.
Rusty: Ummm okay.
Me: Promise?
Rusty: Yes.
Me: Is there a spot on your couch?
Rusty: Uhhh no.
Me: You sure?
Rusty: Yeah. Why?
Me: You REALLY don't wanna know.
Rusty: Okay.
THANK GOODNESS FOR DARK COUCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So there you have it!
Time to vote!
What's the lie?
The Rusty Blood Story?
Head on over to my sidebar and VOTE!!!!!


AmyK said...

Ahhh! I don't know! But these stories are cracking me up!! Whether they're true or not! BAH!

Chloe said...

I think this one is true... Because that happened to me!! ha ha!
I think... the lie is the barf story. ;)

CB said...

Natalie you are a good story teller. Any of them could be true!!
So I voted and good job on all your stories!!

Holly Janeen said...

um... if thats true than darling... i feel your pain! ;) i have one too many of those stories!

and if its NOT true... dang girl... you rock at telling stories.

Nancy Face said...

Okay...I HOPE this is the lie, because barf is WAY better than leaking blood! ARGH! :0