Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just to Prove My Teenager-ness

I don't know if any of you read the comments left on my posts, but if you do, you'll notice a regular commenter named Brett and Emily.
Emily is my older sister and I love her more than anything in the world.
So I really value her opinion and sometimes I even do what she says!!
So if you've ever read her comments you'll notice that alot of them go something like this:
"You do know that you're sixteen right?"
"You're sixteen sweetie, don't forget that."
Yes I admit, sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I know is going to be a wonderful future, that I forget about my fantastic present!!!
So this post is to show you the girl I am today and just how much of a teenager I am.
I really am as immature of the sterotypes say!
Let me illustrate:
1. I try to throw my little sister in the ocean.
2. I can sleep ANYWHERE, through ANYTHING!
(Here I am sound asleep on a balcony while my little brother takes pictures of me.)

3. I still write "I love so and so"
in the sand and take pictures with it.
I have pictures identical to this one from back when I was in the sixth grade!

4. I'll do anything for my technology!
Here I am doing a dance to get service for my phone so I can finish texting my life away.

5. I like to sit in holes that were dug to get to China.
Which makes sense, since Chinese is the language I'm studying!

6. I make sand angels AND stick out my tongue!
That's a double whammy my friends!

7. I act like I'm driving fake cars since I haven't gotten a permit to drive a real one yet.

8. I wait in hour long lines so I can meet my idols:
Disney Princesses!!!!!
Yes I was the oldest non-parent in that line.
Yes I was the most excited individual.
No I did NOT fake ANY of the enthusiasm exhibited in these pictures.

9. I take pictures of myself making not cute faces.

10. When people try to take pictures of me,
I ruin them by being a goon.
So you see, I'm about as immature as one can get.
And you know what?
I love it!
Just to clarify, I do not have a boyfriend.


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You are so stinkin' cute! I wanna know who you love!

AmyK said...

I wanna be 16 again! I can't believe it's been FOUR years since I was 16! That's ridiculous! GEEZE.

Loved this post <3

Emily said...

loved this post! enjoy the present. my friends and i always ask ourselves "why did we want to get out of high school so fast?" enjoy having simple cares and fun, crazy times!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was 16 again! Haha and it's only been 2 months! It's ok, 17 is good too. I love you. Can I just say that?


TLC said...

Oh hun, I love your honesty! This makes me want to be 16 again but just for a day!

Oh and I would be the 24 yr. old inline to see the disney princesses...now how about that!
With no kids :)

CB said...

I think teenagers are the best! There are some days I actually miss being a teenager - I think I still am one inside - hee hee.

Love Disney!!! TOTALLY! I love to write in the sand and I would totally throw anyone in the ocean!

Don't grow up too fast and keep on enjoying your teenage journey!