Thursday, November 5, 2009

Brings a Whole New Meaning to the Phrase: Trick or Treat

Picture this: It's late Sunday, circa 11 pm. I need to go to bed so I'm walking past my kitchen to get to my room when I see this:
Mmmm cupcakes! "But the frosting looks a little funny," I think to myself.
"Oh who cares! Just eat!"
So I do, and look at what happened.

Special huh?


✩Molly✩ said...

Yes, if it looks like there is far too much food coloring in the frosting, there probably! We all have to learn this lesson, once.

Ann Marie said...

I was worried that someone pulled a prank and it wasn't frosting! Glad it was. MMMmmm Cupcakes.

We learned about his as well. My nephew had a train cake with LOTS of black.. and we all looked like that after!

Live and learn..

CB said...

OH man how funny! I am laughing that you took those closeups of your tongue and your teeth - you slay me girl!! Laughingggggggg

P.S. You had a dream about me? Was Edward in the dream? Just wondering...Hee hee

Chloe said...

haha! At first I thought it was an allergic reaction!! Fortunately, it wasn't!

Anonymous said...

Did you seriously use the word circa? Gosh I feel like I'm in Mr. Reilly's class all over again. You make me smile.


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Stumbled over here from Cherie's blog! Mercy! You've got me laughing!!! Not sure about the black teeth and tongue....being an ER nurse I was checking out the tonsils. Look healthy by the way.
You crack me up.

Nancy Face said...

Hilarious...especially your purple-y black tongue! :D