Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ratalie's Dictionary: Part Three

Sorry I've been a slacker lately, I just haven't been up to posting this week.
But I shall redeem myself by finishing up the dictionary today!
Here we go.
First up, we have my beautiful sister Emily!!
Question: How is summer school?
Answer: Summer school is not as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, I don't LOVE it, but I don't hate it either. My teacher is pretty awesome so that helps. And I'm really enjoying learning about the history of this beautiful country I live in.
Emily's Word: Unstoppable
Example: Emily is like a force of nature. Once she gets started, you can't stop her. From little things like cleaning a house in twenty minutes to big things like planning a wedding in two and a half months, Emily will not stop till it gets done and done right.
Question One: What color is your bedroom?
Answer One: Pink and Yellow!!!! My old favorite color and my new favorite color!
Question Two: What are you looking forward to most this summer?
Answer Two: The STARTALK Program. In July I'll be staying at ASU for two weeks learning the Chinese language and about the culture! I went to the orientation on Friday and I think it's going to be fabulous!!!
Ann's Word: Thoughtful
Example: Ann is always quick with a kind word or a helpful thought. She looks for the good in life and is a joy to all who know her.
(Btw, I didn't know you went private. I want in!!)
Question: What is your favorite chick flick film?
Answer: Ah man!! That is SO hard!! There are SO many!! I may have to give you a list...(in no particular order)
1. Ever After
2. You've Got Mail
3. Just Like Heaven
4. The Prince and Me
5. One Fine Day
6. While You Were Sleeping
And many many more!!!
Holly's word: Talented!
Example: Her beautiful voice, her amazing piano skills and the fact that she can teach others these things! That is talent!
My amazing sister Bekah!!
Question: Would you keep a happy thought journal if I made you one?
Answer: YES!!!! I'd love that!!!!!!
Bekah's Word: Inspirational
Example: After a long or short talk with Bekah, I always have a renewed desire to do better. I look at where she is in her life and think "That's exactly where I want to be."
Lauren's Word: Fabulous!
Example: Everything about her! Her clothes, her hair, her talents, her quirks! She embodies the word!! The other day I was thinking about her and I decided that she is what I'd call a "Blogging Celebrity," were there such thing.
Darling Addison!
Addison's word: Brave
Example: Her entire life but especially the post she posted on May Eighth that I can't get a link to.
And last but not least.
My dear sister Kimberly!
Kim's Word: Stalwart
Example: Through everything, Kim has stood by her friends, family and beliefs. Nothing will ever change that. I'm so blessed to have her in my life!!!


Ann Marie said...

I love these posts!
Fun to read your answers, and fun to read your words to describe your friends.. :)

I want to see a picture of your room! :) ~ And I thought I saw ALL chick flicks.. I didn't recognize a few of them.. I will have to check them out! :)

Holly Janeen said...

i havent even SEEN ever after! i will have to rent it.
great post, thanks :)

i will totally add you to my viewers... should i use your email? if not email me at

Kristin said...

I LOVE those movies too! Isn't Ever After just so the best?! I think I'm going to go watch it now :)
cute post! Lauren totally is a blogging celebrity! haha

Sprite's Keeper said...

Such lovely words for what sounds like lovely people!

Nancy Face said...

I love a lot of your chick flicks and have them in my collection...Ever After, You've Got Mail, Just Like Heaven, While You Were Sleeping! :D