Whilst driving to California, I started and finished this book:
The Lit Report
By Sarah N. Harvey
Loved it!
It's about these two girls who are best friends and both of their parents are religious nut jobs.
Well one of them (Ruth) gets pregnant and her friend Julia (who's also the narrator) concocts a plan to hide the pregnancy and deliver the baby without anybody even knowing.
I know, unrealistic, but that's not what I want to talk about today.
You see, Julia is a total english nerd.
At the beginning of every chapter there's a quote from a book that she's read.
But not just any quote, its the first line of the entire story.
Only the first line.
Then, Julia goes on to talk about the line and the book and she talks about how the first lines of books can tell you so much about the story, the mood, tone, quality etc.
In her own words:
"My thesis was that the first sentance of a novel whether its written for four-year-olds or fourty-five-year-olds, sets the tone for the whole book and reveals much of what is to come."
After reading this, I got curious about whether that's true, so I've decided to test Julia's hypothesis and you, my faithful readers will be the judges.
I feel like a mad scientist in a Literary Labaratory!!
Here's how we'll roll:
I've taken seven books off of my shelf.
I'm going to tell you the first line of each book and talk a little about it and in the comment section, you will tell me whether or not you thought Julia was correct.
*Oh and to help you out along the way, I'm going to give each line a rating one to ten. It will be rated on the effectiveness of the line. *
1-Not effective at all
5- It's aight
10- Brilliant
Got it?
Let's go!
1. The Report Card By Andrew Clements
"There were only about fifteen kids on the late bus becuase it was Friday afternoon."
Short sweet and to the point.
But if someone read this line only, like you just did, they'd probably feel jipped, left hanging.
I think, however, that that is what makes it brilliant.
You know that the line is there for a reason and you're itching to find out why!
Ratalie's Rating: 7

Play to the Angel By Maurine F. Dahlberg
"'Greta, stop that noise."'
Interesting, making the first line a quote.
This line is filled with information!
It tells you about a character: Greta
It tells you something she does: Makes noise
And it kind of throws you off because after you read the title of the book and see the picture you know that a piano is involved and generally piano music isn't referred to as "noise."
Rat's Rating: 7.5
Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
"What does it mean to truly love another?"
I love it!!!
It gives nothing away, and yet spells it out!
Asks and answers!
Oh I love this one!!!
Makes my heart go pitter patter!
RR: 9
Breaking Dawn By Stephenie Meyer
(the most loved book on my shelf, seriously, the cover has been ripped off!)
"I'd had more than my fair share of near-death experiences: it wasn't something you ever really got used to."
Uh can you say FORESHADOWING!?!?!?!
Something wicked this way comes!!
RR: 8

The Host By Stephenie Meyer
"The Healer's name was Fords Deep Waters."
This one leaves you guessing even more than the report card did!
Probably because it gives more away, but not.
1. Who is Ford's Deep Waters?
2. What's he doing?
3. Why does he matter?
4. Is a Healer a Doctor?
RR: 8

Today I Feel Silly By Jamie Lee Curtis
"Today I feel silly."
Perfect for it's genre, doesn't tell me anything I didnt' already know though...
RR: 5

Okay readers, it's up to you now!Does the first line of a story
"...set the tone for the whole book and reveals much of what is to come?"
Talk to me!
Yes I know, I'm just as big of an english nerd as Julia.