So my hiatus wasn't very long at all.
You're welcome.
I'm sure you were all just pining away.
One of my most favourite hobbies is analyzing people.
Deciding what they would be, if they weren't themselves.
For example: If I were a utensil, I'd be a butter knife.
Because I can be useful, dull, and good looking all at the same time.
It's a gift.
So anywho.....
The people who commented on that post are going to get themselves analyzed by yours truly. So first we have.......................
Oh how I love this woman!
She makes me feel so good when I read her comments that ARE ALWAYS THERE!
And her daughter is precious.
If Molly were an animal I think she'd be a: Cardinal.
If Molly were a color she'd be: Red.
Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.
If Molly were a food she'd be: Hot TaMollys

Hahahahaha I'm so punny!
Next we have..............Big big fan of hers.
Not only because her blog is thoroughly entertaining,
But she also teaches science.
I'm horrid at science.
So I have alot of respect for anyone who can do it.
If Geneva were a color: She'd be aqua blue.
If Geneva were a day of the week: I think she'd be Wednesday.
I don't know why.
If Geneva were an adejective: She'd be Brave.
Becuase she teaches Jr. High!
Jr. High is HORRID.
Jr. High kids are HORRID!
You have to be tough to deal with that kind of torture!
Next on our line up of FABULOUS people is..........
Aka my twin that happens to be 11 years older than I am.
Well we may look alike, but I'd be giving myself a huge compliment if I said that we acted alike.
I look up to her more than I can tell you.
There's nothing that this woman can't do.
So if Bekah were a superhero
(which she already is Super Mom)
If Bekah were a day of the week she'd be Saturday.
She's a doer.
And if Bekah was a Greek Goddess she would most definently be
"Goddess of wisdom, warfare, handicrafts and reason."
So basically the Queen of Everything!

I hope you haven't dozed off on me yet, we only have two more!
Holly Janeen
This girl is so talented! Voice of a song bird!
So if Holly were an animal: She'd be a Lark.

If Holly were a plant she'd be a....wait for it....yes.
Holly would be a holly plant.
Yes I'm so original I know.
And if Holly Janeen was an article of clothing:
She'd be a scarf.

And last but DEFINENTLY NOT LEAST we have.....
Yes folks,
That's right,
We have the Nancy Face.
If you haven't read NancysNonsenseofNothingness you need to go repent.
So anywho...
If Nancy was a character from Twilight, she'd be a nutty version of Esme.

Yes I know what you're thinking.
No she wouldn't!
But just think about it, Esme loves to renovate and design and make things beautiful
and have you SEEN all the projects Nancys done for Lauren's house?
Also, Esme loves passionately and would do anything for her family, and if you can't tell that the same can be said of Nancy, then you're stupid.
Well actually you just need your eyes checked.
And your brain.
But that's besides the point.
So Yeah just add some major Nuttiness and you've got NancEsme.
Also if I were to rename Nancy, I would christen her: Bathilda.
If Nancy were a body part she'd be a face.
Ha. Ha. Ha.