Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One of My Most FaVoRiTe Words

Seven Random Things, to be exact!
Got this Tag from Ann Marie
(Whose blog is great btw, go take a gander.)
Seven Random Things About Ratalie Nose....

1. I lOvE hAvInG cApItAl aNd LoWeR cAsE lEtTeRs MiXeD tOgEtHeR!Don't ask why.
Becuase I don't know.
2. I love to cry!
It rejuvanates me!
I really feel for this girl!2. Lauren (whose blog is also fantastic!) is going to hate me for this one but....for me, Disneyland is not the happiest place on earth!! I've had too many sad/stressful experiences at that darned place. I mean its fun and all but....man.

3. I've played the piano for a decade. But my ability is that of about a third or fourth year student.


I don't practice. Sad day.

4. Back in 2006, I really liked sitting in my closet.

5. I BlogStalked people for a year and half before I finally got a blog of my own.

6. My family is the greatest family EVER. No. Lie.

7. My nephew is the only boy in my life!

And I love it!!!!

I tag anyone who needs something to post about!


Camille said...

I think your Disneyland experiences would make an excellent post! You've mentioned it several times, and I'm always interested to hear what happened there. Did you get lost or something?

Nancy Face said...

I lIkE cApItAl aNd LoWeR cAsE lEtTeRs MiXeD tOgEtHeR tOo! :)

My kids didn't practice piano much, either! When I was growing up, we were too poor for lessons, but I wanted SO much to play that I taught myself. I'm not good AT ALL, but I still love it! :)

I love the picture of you sitting in your pink closet! That's the coolest! :)

The wedding picture is small...is it Brent's? He and my son Ty were friends growing up, and one day I bleached their hair. They both looked RIDICULOUS, haha! :D

I was your nephew's Primary music teacher! He is one smart kid! :)

Ann Marie said...

You are such a fun girl!
Thanks for the shout-out! My blog isn't that cool though.. I wouldn't go there...

Disney land? You gotta post about it, because I do also feel it to be one of the happiest places ever...

Loved your list! Tags are so fun cuz we get to know each other! :) Glad you have a blog!