Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm Grateful

Well this week has of a kind.
I guess you could say I've got a lot on my mind.
But its when things are hardest that you remember what's most important.

My family-no matter what happens, they are always there for me. Trying to help in whatever way they can.
My friends- sit and listen to me whine for hours on end...and they still want to hang out with me. These are the girls that I laugh with, I cry with and drool over boys with.
The scriptures- when you have no idea what you're doing- they're the road map that will lead you through your life.
Priesthood blessings- I'm BEYOND blessed to have a father whose a worthy priesthood holder who is willing to give me a blessing whenever I need it. Direct inspiration from the Lord is such a comfort when you don't know what the heck you're doing!
The power of fasting- Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when He gave us this precious gift. A small sacrifice on your part can lead to more blessings than you could ever imagine.
The power of prayer- even when you're at your worst, feeling alone, you're not. Your Father in Heaven is always right there, just waiting for you to come to Him. And prayer is the way you do that. I can't even count the number of times I've muttered a prayer and immediately felt a difference.

I'm grateful for trials.
We given them for a reason.
They are how we grow, progress, and realize what's really important.


Chloe said...

Such a beautiful post.
First to comment!!!
I'm proud you're so mature!
I hope everything's fine!
Looking foward to hearing from you,

CB said...

You are wise beyond your years.
All that you have written here is very beautiful and very true.
I hope you are not going through a hard time right now, but something tells me that something might be up?
Hope all is well and that you are enjoying your summer!

Ann Marie said...

Life is great when you are grateful!!! :)

No matter what trials may come..( and there will be many )-- when you seek out those little blessings.. things just get better. Really. I am always amazed at how I made it through certain times in my life.. and I know it was always:

1- My attitude ( be grateful! )
2- A loving Heavenly Father that gives comfort and Strength when I ask for it.. and the Gospel knowledge that keeps me on the right path..
3- My Family and friends..

I wish I would have had your wisdom at your age. You are going to go far in the world my friend.. just keep truckin along.. and remember to be thankful to the Lord for your blessings.. and you will be happy! Truly!

You are a great example to others.. and if I could think of one word that describes you ( not knowing you in the real.. but just through blogging.. it would be "Sunshine"

You always seem to be a light.
( hugs.. )

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You are a very smart girl to know that at such a young age.
It sounds like you have your head on straighter than most women I know.
Bless you!