Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Almost Killed My Best Friend and Lived to Tell the Tale!!!!! Oh and Then I Saw a Movie.

So you all know The Rusty. I talk about him all the time.
Just a refresher:
I love the kid.
He's like my brother, one of my best friends ever.
And tonight I was almost the death of him.
Fact: Rusty is DEATHLY allergic to ALL peanuts in ANY, WAY, SHAPE, or FORM.
Like, one bite and he could like drop dead!!!!
So tonight The Jessica's and I made a Dairy Queen run for 4 blizzards.
Reeses for Jessica #1, Reeses for Jessica #2, Cookie Dough for Rusty and Butterfinger for Parker.
Well I'm getting in the car trying to figure out which one is which and thinking I have it right, give each Jessica what I THOUGHT was a Reeses Blizzard.
Then we get back to Kairleigh's and I go inside and give what I THINK is the Cookie Dough and Butterfinger to Parker and Rusty.
Then I go back out to the car, and the Jessica's proceed to tell me that they are currently eating a BUTTERFINGER and COOKIE DOUGH Blizzards.
My. Heart. Stopped.
I fumbled to get the car door open but couldn't find the handle, finally I RUN PELL MELL through the yard and into the house, the minute I'm inside I'm screaming:
As I get into the room they were in I'm still screaming and freaking out and he goes
"I didn't eat it. We smelt it."
I walked out of the room thinking:
And just the thought was too much for me.
I started BALLING my eyes out!!!!
I don't think I'd ever been so relieved or felt so stupid in my entire life!
Of course, Rusty heard me crying and came out to make sure I was okay.
HE was making sure that I was okay!
Just holding me and letting me cry, reassuring me that he was perfectly fine, it wasn't my fault.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Okay, call me a drama queen, tell me I'm crazy.
Actually don't.
I don't wanna hear it.
Maybe I'm prone to overreact to these kinds of things but you have NO IDEA how scary that was.
*sighs at the recollection*
Lesson Learned:
After that dramatic was time for some Silver Screen Drama!!!!!
I read this book two summers ago and
When I saw they were making it into a movie I was so happy I almost fainted!
So needless to say, when Sister Emily called me up tonight to go see it I HAD to say yes.
So here's the deal, I know most of you are going to see this and I don't want to ruin anything for you so just let me say this:
They changed ALOT of things!!!!
And I'm not sure how I feel about it all!
Somethings I thought they got spot on.
Others they changed to the point of me wanting to yell:
"WHAT THE HECK???????????????"
But some of the liberties they took, I thought, really helped the story and made it a great movie.
So yeah I guess this is kind of a lame review.
But I'm way interested in hearing what you all have to say about it.
We must discuss!!!
Have a Fabulous weekend!!!!!


CB said...

First of all. I can totally see why you went running in the house to save Rusty and why it scared you so much. That peanut allergy is SO SERIOUS!! Oh my - I was on the edge of my seat reading your account and even though I knew Rusty was going to be OK (I mean you wouldn't be writing it if he died) I was scared with you! Srsly!!! What a sweet friend you two have.

I read Dear John last month and I loved the book - so far have seen a couple of interesting reviews of the movie so I figured they must have changed a bunch of stuff.
They did that with "My Sisters Keeper" too - they changed the entire ending in fact, and it kind of ticked me off. It is very interesting how they take so many liberties with someone elses work. Oh well. I will probably see it anyway :D
Hope you are having a great weekend Nat!!

My word verification is: dineturd - No lie -ha ha

Maureen said...

haha. dairy drama queen. or drama dairy queen? sorry... couldn't resist.

Shelby Lou said...

AW! That is so scary! I would have done the same thing, no lies.

I am just going to wait for this movie to come out in RedBox because.. well, it's like 10 bucks to see a movie. LAME.

AmyK said...

I freaking would have cried my face off, too! Gosh! That's scary stuff!

This is why we ALWAYS get cookiedough blizzards--that way you ALWAYS know what you're getting and if they get mixed up, who cares! They're all the same! Hurrah!

Chloe said...

Awww I'm so sorry for you!! I would have reacted the same way: like a drama queen... crying and crying...
But I'm glad everything turned out well in the end :)

ConnieB said...

I have not seen that movie- nor read the book! Do I need to get with it or what :p

Btw, I had to say I saw your NBA announcement on your side bar and laughed out loud! I need to get my husband hooked up with that program (;

Emily said...

i didnt really appreciate the changes they made in the movie but of course you know that, you were there.

Natalie said...

OMG hahah. You are so cute. And such a good friend.

That is scary!