Thursday, April 30, 2009

Numero Cinco

Alright, Ive been tagged by two of my sisters so I guess I'd better do this.

5 Things I was doing 5 years ago

1. Counting down the days till I was out of elementary school!

2. Reigning as Student Council President at Whittier.

3. Being the only person who didn't cry at sixth grade graduation.

4. Making my sixth and last appearance in the Whittier talent show.

5. Anticipating my first year of girls camp!

5 Things on My To-Do-List

1. Get

2. A

3. To

4. Do

5. List

5 Places I've Lived

1. Mesa, AZ

2. Paris, France

3. A house

4. School

5. Mary's house

5 Things I Want to Be Doing in 5 Years

1. Finishing up my education to become a third grade teacher.

2. Starting a family.

3. Living in a cute house or apartment

4. Being a fabulous wife!

5. Be chillin with Prince Charming!

5 People I Tag


Ann Marie

Shelby Lou



Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Are you sick of boring, lame Mother's Day gifts?????
I, RatalieNose,
Have an excellent solution for you!
My amazingly talented sister Bekah makes these ADORABLE banners!!!
Her Mothers Day one is SO CUTE!!!!
Perfect for you, your mom and your MIL!
Win, Win, Win!!!!!
Go Go Go!!!!!
Now Now Now!!!!
Okay Okay Okay
I'm done I'm done I'm done!!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Let the Sunshine In

My last post was all doom and gloom due to
"emotional sickness."
(Btw for all you Curious Cassidy's, I was having a bit of boy drama, but it's fine now)
Now its physical sickness that's getting to me.
So here I was, feeling sorry for myself when I read this.
And it inspired me to look at some of the good things in my life.

1. I, RatalieNose, was given the gift of being extremely emotional and sensitive.
Woop-de-doo right?
I used to see this blessing as a curse.
But the longer I live,
(lots of impact coming from a 16 year old, I know)
the more that I realize just what a good thing it is.
Though I'm not always a nice person,
I'm very sensitive to how other people are feeling.
Even if it's someone I'm not especially fond of,
I'm able to see that something is wrong, find out what it is, and sympathize with their plight.
In most cases, I haven't been through their situation, but I'm able to put myself into it and therefore see how they're feeling.
It's pretty cool.

2. My parents have been married for 30 years as of yesterday.
They're currently spending their anniversary in Disneyland and at the beach in Cali.
I'm SO happy that they tied the knot 30 years ago.
Cause' if they hadn't.....
Bahaha.I'll also be forever grateful that both of my parents lived their lives in a manner that they were worthy to enter into the House of the Lord, and be sealed for time and all eternity.

3. My cousin/BFF Mary!
What I would do without this girl, I know not.
She's been there with me through everything!
I love our random songs, dances, inside jokes and adventures.
"Cousins by nature, Best Friends by choice."
I'm SOOOO happy she's in my life!

4. Tear ducts.
Crying is good for the soul.
It cleanses me.
It purges my insides till there's nothing bad left.
I love it!

5. Weekends.
I don't think I could handle another day of school this week.
Thank Goodness It's Friday

So as you can see, I have alot to be happy about.
What about you?
What are you happy about this weekend?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Right Now,
I am feeling
and Restless.
But there's no need to spread my misery to my Fabulous Blog Buddies.
So how bout' a little happiness for us all?

Now, I don't know about you, but I feel MUCH better!
Have a good day!
And make sure to scroll down and enter our little give-a-way-game!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Names, Lame and a Game

This is the last of the Names.







If you've been hiding under a rock or something and haven't read her blogs yet go here and here.

You know what's lame??

When you go so many nights without somthing to do, then the one night there's something you HAVE to do, you get two other options!
I'm participating in Relay For Life tonight,
Which is great, its going to benefit cancer relief and be alot of fun.
I'm just bummed because I got an offer to babysit or I could've gone on a date.
Why does this always happen????
I know not.

Here's the game.

Come up with caption for the following picture.

The best one (as decided by yours truly) will get.....


I will announce the winner next Wednesday, the 15th.


So go for it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Saturday, April 11th 2009

No, they didn't find a cure for cancer.

No, they didn't find a cure for terroism.

No, they didn't find a cure for bedhead.

But I found a cure for being antisocial, hermitous

(my new favorite word) and creeperish.

It's called Dating.


That's right folks, I went on my first date last Saturday.

Rusty came with me and my family to the Coyotes game

(where we had great seats btw,

Thank You Shane Doan, you're the best!!)

Then we went to dinner at Applebee's with my sisters Sarah and Emily, and Emily's future Hubby Brett.

Most Embarassing Moments of the Night:

When Rusty tried to open the car door for me and it was locked.

When we sat down at dinner and I promptly spilled my drink all over the table.

When I spilled water, ice and ranch all over myself REPEATEDLY!

When I was sitting in the front seat and Rusty was in the back and I was trying to playfully smack him, but my arms are so dang short that they were just flailing there while Rusty tried to figure out what the h I was doing.

When my sisters started getting into the "NatalieArchives."

Real Special.

Greatest Moments of the Night:

The Coyotes winning the game 5-4 in over time!

Rusty giving me his jacket because I, like an idiot, forgot to bring one.

When we picked Rusty up and the first thing out of his mouth after Hello was

"You look really good today."

Rusty being a perfect gentleman and opening


for me AND my sisters!

The Hug I got when dropping him off at his house when the night was over.

So basically,

It was FANTASTIC!!!!

And I love dating!

Hahaha we'll see if that lasts...

Got any good date stories??

Sunday, April 12, 2009

16 Things I Love About Being 16

1. Recieving 28 COMMENTS on my previous post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Heavens People!!!!
Ya'll are amazing!!!!!

2. Making new blog friends like John and Mike.
Mike makes my head spin.
(Cue Hyperventilating)

3. Getting chalked by Jessica and Jessica!!!!!

4. Wearing a gorgeous sign that read
"Hug Me It's My Sweet 16th"
Made by above mentioned Jessica.

5. Recieving a Yellow Rose from Jessica!!!! (Isn't she just the best??)
YELLOW + ROSES = NATALIE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Cookies and a sweet sweet note from......(drum roll please).......
Yes, that darling boy baked me cookies.
And I have it on firm authority from his mother that he did so,
They were DELICIOUS!!!!!

7. My Swell Pal Sabrina wore an ADORABLE Yellow Hollister shirt
IN MY HONOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Having an AMAZING poem written about me by Alyssa!!!

9. Recieving everything on my birthday wish list!!!!!
Milanos Gift Card
Itunes Gift Card
A paper that said that this lovely lady will be making me an apron!!!
Sword in the Stone
Crest White Strips

10. A delightful and delicious birthday lunch with mi madre at Chiles!!

11. Using the excuse
"It's my birthday,"
to get anything and everything I wanted.

12. Recieving a GINORMOUS princess coloring book and crayons from Susannah.
And this ADORABLE banner from my sweet sister Bekah.

13. My first date with Rusty!!!!!!!!!
It was soooo fun!!!!
That might need its own post....

14. Cards and a package from Blog Heroes Ann Marie and NancyFace!!!

15. Another Fantastic Birthday Lunch!!!
This time with the Gorgeous Geneva!!!!
Oh my gosh!
This was my first time talking to her in the real life, like our families knew each other but the last time I saw her I was like eight.
It was so funny we said the same thing at the exact same times 3 times!!!!
I want to be like her when I grow up!

16. My most favorite thing about my birthday was that my daddy
(all by himself)
heart attacked me!!! He felt that I deserved it, so he made hearts and wrote little poems on them for me!!!
I'm so blessed!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Yes, I know.
I've been such a slacker.
I turn 16 then go AWOL.
Well no sweat, I'm working on a
Birthday Blog Post of Happiness
for ya right now.
But I have to wait for my pictures so in the mean time I thought I'd throw out some name love and let you know something very very exciting.

So first, the names.

Beautiful- Inside and out!
Eats right. (Seriously, whole wheat everything, then a big bowl of ice cream on Sundays! The girl knows where it's at!!)
Kid-raising Extrordanaire!!!!!
Amazing at everything she does!!!!
Hott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Even after having four kids!!!!!)
See her and and her precious family here.

Never ending entertainment!!!!
Always there for the people she loves!!!!
Nonsensical!!!!! It's FANFREAKINGTASTIC!!!!!
Caring and Crazy!!!! What a Cool Combo!!!!!
Young at heart!!!!!!
Check out the fun of her life here.

Accepts others for who they are!!!
Not afraid to be herself!!!!!
Natalie's first "Not Knowing In The Flesh Blogging Friend!!!!!"
Find her fantasticness here.

Makes my day with her posts!!!!
Inspired me to start a blog in the first place!
Loves life and
Lives it to its fullest!
Expect Great things from her!!!!!
See her Amazingness here.

Now for something I consider to be quite exciting........
I'm going on my first date in SIX HOURS!!!!!!
Well it's kind of a date....
Let me explain:
My family got tickets to a Coyotes game and my parents said that I should bring a date.
So I invited......(drum roll please)............
Who else???
I'll let you know how it goes!
Happy Easter!!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

What's In a Name? Part One

For all you lovely ladies that commented on this post,

a RatalieNose Name Poem is headed your way!

So here we go!!!

K ind

I mpressive

M odest

B abalicious

E dward Lover!!

R ighteous

L ovely

Y outhful

Find her here.

S TUCO lover!!!


E asy to get along with

L ogan Resident...soon

B log Lover

Y es she's the Best!

Find her Here.

C hild Rearing

H appy to be Alive

E nergetic

R isk Taker

I mpossible to Dislike

E verybodyNose she's THE COOLEST!!!

Find her Here.

A nimal Lover

D arling

D early Loved!

(By LOTS of people!)

I ncredibly Adorable!

S o sweet!!!

O utstanding

N ever Gives up!!

No matter how hard it is!!!

Find her Here.

Mrs. X


I really look up to her!!!!!

It's not easy to ask for help!

Find her Here.



N ATALIE'S Favorite Chemistry Teacher

E verything about her is Simply Swell!!

V ery Very Very Nice!

A bsoloutely Amazing!!

Find her Here.

Alright, that's that for today.

More to come later.

Tomorrow's my birthday and I would love nothing more than to have at least 16 comments on my 16th birthday....

Think you could do that?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Today I Feel Happy

Indeed I do.

Today has been a good day.

I went to bed at 12 Am

And woke up at 11 Am.

I went to school at 11:30

Where I proceeded to attend my three easiest classes of the day:

Choir, Seminary and English.

I love AIMS days!!!!

(When I don't have to take them!)

Why else am I happy?

Rusty was back today!!

I haven't seen him in almost a week because he's been sick!

He walked into sixth hour and gave me a big hug!

And you know how I love Big Hugs!!!

More Happiness???


Tomorrow I leave for Utah!!!!!!

My Amazing Uncle S is taking my cousin Mary (who is also my BFF) and I, (and a few others) up to conference!!!


I've only been to Conference in the Conference Center once and that was a couple years ago!

Now some Happiness FOR YOU!!!!

I'm going to tell you this happy phrase again:

You're Going To Want To Comment On This Post!!!

You know what that means!!!!!!

If you don't know what that means then go here and here

You know what????

I'm so HAPPY, that I'm going to let ya'll in on a little secret.

After I posted the Interview With Rusty I had a couple people asking me if he was REALLY just a

"friend friend."


I wish I could say no.

I've been "In Love" with Rusty since I met him back in Sixth Grade.

But to him I'll always be like a sister.

Sad But True.

So that's that.


I hope everyone has an Amazing Conference Weekend!!!

If you weren't planning on tuning in I highly recommend it!!!

You can find it on your local listings, or watch it online here.

And don't forget, you're gonna wanna comment on this post!!!!


Another big factor in my HAPPINESS EQUATION is this:

MY BIRTHDAY IS IN FIVE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!